There are many classifications of diamond wheels. Their shape, bond, grit size, and concentrations determine their classifications. These different types are wheels are used in many different abrasive and grinding machining operations. So, these diamond grinding machines are used widely in grinding machines. Using the proper grinding wheel is important in any grinding or machining process.
The diamond wheels are widely used in grinding wheels today. They can be found in many different types which include resin, metal, vitrified, and electro-plated. Resin wheels are the most used among these types of wide grinding wheels. Most tool room and production applications use these type of wheels. There are more specific applications for the metal and vitrified types of wheels and they are newer bond types. They are more expensive since these are rare. They are custom made-to-order types of wheels. For low demanding abrasive grinding you use electro-plated wheels which you find in cut-off wheels. If you are doing plastic, then the electro-plated wheel is used.
Knowing the types and applications of grinding wheels is important since each of these wheels are only used in specific applications. Your grinding operations may not be done effectively if you don't use the proper types of wheels. It is, therefore, very important to determine the type of materials you are working on and the appropriate grinding wheel that you should use for this before even starting your grinding operations.
There are many processes and materials where you use diamond grinding wheels. Diamond wheels are used strictly on carbides but on steel a CBN grinding wheel is used. Discover more here!
The synthetic diamond, the cubic boron nitride (CBN) and the alumina-zirconia are another classification of diamond grinding wheels. The synthetic diamond is the hardest of the three and the softest is the alumina-zirconia. The factors given below should be considered when selecting the type of wheel to use.
The hardness of the item that you will grind should first be determined. If you are going to grind iron or steel, then the ideal wheel is a CBN wheel. For non-ferrous metal where you need to remove a large amount of metal, the synthetic diamond blade should be used. Use the alumina-zirconia wheel to grind soft metals.
You next look at the nomenclature plate on the grinding machine. Check the speed rating in meters per second because this ensures that the bond of the diamond grit will not disintegrate or separate when used on the grinding machine.
Finally, determine if the grinding is wet or dry and determine the wheel's coarseness. To get the best results, you need to determine the right grinding wheels for these conditions. See this video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SiPQBosTPk.